Special offer
CNC plazma
ATT Automatic cnc plasma characteristics
Current bid
5 axis
CNC milling machine
5 axis CNC milling machine features ATT machines
CNC processing
2008 - the year, among other things, is our commitment to our customers' orders for milling, the following topics:
Doors, furniture, working
Engraving flat and curved surfaces, 2-3D characters milling
Kontúrmarás, cut, models
Signs, signs, pattern, template,
sculpture surface milling, digitization (scanning cnc)
Preparation of digitized stock CAD model (reverse engineering)!
Any CAD software elkészítetett 2 and 3
dimensional models kimunkálását
Machinable materials:
- Non-ferrous metal, plastic, wood, glass, stone, etc..

Foam cutting:
Calcined-vibrating fiber technology company in 2500 mm
lenght of wire (working width) 3 m length and a height of 1 meter foam materials cutting. (Of course, sticking more work is available.)
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