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CNC plazma
ATT Automatic cnc plasma characteristics
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5 axis
CNC milling machine
5 axis CNC milling machine features ATT machines
4 axis CNC milling machine features ATT machines

Advantages of the 3 axis machining
4 axis by means of simple curved
surfaces (eg, cylinder wall), the marószár at right angles to
each felületpontra involved in the machining.
Shorter working time is a perception
in parts készremunkálása result. The inconsistencies in the
Sweep of positioning errors.
The tool or the component is a
result of shorter pitch szerszámbefogás can be applied, which
may further improve the surface characteristics eliminate the
need for additional concepts.
There is also a complex
készremunkálására components testmodell as they previously only
could be produced by casting. This is specifically beneficial in
small-series production of the prototype case.

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